Hardcore PinballTM

MSRP $29.99
Available Now
on IGN.com with In-Game Video
Review on Video Game Review - Rated 5 out of 5!
Review on
Game Spot - Rated 7.3 - Good!
Review in Pocket Games magazine - Rated
9 out of 10!
Hardcore Pinball™ is a real diehard enthusiast’s game. Four
challenging tables, featuring realistic physics, are the heart of this
outstanding simulation. Experience exciting themes of Soccer,
RoboMech, Retro, and Station. The superbly animated flippers,
bumpers, rails, kickers, spinners, and silver ball will quickly give
the illusion of being in the arcade again. With outstanding
music and sound effects, you’ll want to find the token machine so you
never have to quit playing.
Order it now at
Wal-mart, or TelegamesDirect.
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